Devil’s Lake

What a weekend!

Let’s start at the beginning.

Ryan’s parents came up Friday evening to spend the weekend with us. This is the first time they’ve been here since we first moved in so it was nice to have them as visitors.

We knew we wanted to take them to a Milwaukee restaurant that we’ve never been to and definitely wanted to make it a place that has a good fish fry (since it was a Friday and all and here in Wisconsin they are all about the fish frys.)

A couple of my co-workers told me about Brocach which is an Irish inspired restaurant that is downtown.


I made reservations, but there was no need. We decided to sit on the patio that was upstairs. I love when restaurants have a patio, let alone a rooftop patio!

I ordered the Sangria for a drink (we all ordered drinks to celebrate Ryan & I’s engagement). I typically don’t order Sangria but the waitress recommended it and it did not disappoint.

Ryan & I

We all ordered the fish fry combo w/ haddock, fries & curry cole slaw. I thought it was decent but I preferred Lakefront Brewery’s fish fry (Ryan says he preferred Brocach).

After dinner we headed home to the apartment to catch up on life.

Saturday we had plans of heading to Devil’s Lake to do a hike. It seemed like it was going to rain for a bit, but it cleared out so we headed out!

As we were driving along I read two bridal magazines that a co-worker lent me…and I think I decided on a color scheme! I’ll do a separate post for that update.

Driving along, all of the sudden we heard the Garmin say “Board Ferry.”

Uh, what?! Ferry?!

We had no idea we had to board a ferry so we were quite shocked.

We hiked all around Devil’s Lake after eating some lunch (turkey, ham cheese sandwiches, clementines & various chips and trail mixes).

This was Murphy’s first time in open water (or really any water besides getting a bath) and he was quite the entertainment.

We continued on our hike all around the lake. It was an easy hike, not too strenuous but Murphy has never really been on a hike so he was started to feel pooped.

Therefore, I had to hold up his water for him.




After our hike was done we headed back home and crashed.

Sunday was spent going to church, heading to The Gingerbread House for brunch (ohmygosh I need to go back here soon so I can take pictures and blog about it. Sodeliciousholycow.)

We’re hoping to be able to get back to Devil’s Lake soon! It was a fun trip and nice to get away for a bit.

  1. Kim said:

    I love your pictures! I also cannot wait to come visit you. Aaaaand you’re making me wait to find out the color scheme? Really? Stop tweeting and text me! 😉

    • Thanks! I’m trying to take a bunch of pictures of pretty much everything (cough, Murphy). Half of the pictures are from Ryan’s DSLR camera which I’m slowly taking over 🙂

      And sorrrrry I’m watching Bachelor Pad. I think you could guess at least one of my colors hehe.


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