

So, this title makes it seem like there were multiple bloggers at this meet up. However, it was just Alysha & me (and our significant others, of course).

After interviewing me for an article Alysha was doing, we decided we had to meet in person. Yay local bloggers!

I raved about El Beso to Alysha and since they had only had drinks and appetizers there I had to introduce her to the chorizo. Oh my goodness, the chorizo. So GOOD! Unfortunately, we were all talking so much that I forgot to take a picture. Trust me, it was delicious 🙂

This morning I took a yoga class again at the same place I did last weekend. I like starting out Saturday with a yoga class. It starts the weekend off on a peaceful note. For whatever reason, today’s class seemed to flow more quickly than the previous. Maybe because we all weren’t newbies? Not sure, but I do know I worked up a sweat!

I decided to stay for the Mat Pilates class after as well. If you can remember back to my first Pilates class, it was not similar at all. We used a weighted bar (ouchie) and a piece called the “Magical Circle (pictured below)”


We did not do this move, but kept it in between our heels for the majority of the class.

Though it wasn’t as challenging as the previous pilates class, it was still a good workout.

It’s another gloomy day here so I’ve been snuggled up inside catching up on IIN work and cleaning the house. Ryan is being my hero by going to the grocery store for me, so I better make something extra special for dinner!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

P.S. Check out my guest post on Carrots N Cake!

Though the title of this blog may paint the picture that my workout was also easy, it indeed was not! I attended my usual Body Pump class after missing the past couple Mondays. After Saturday’s class, I was a bit nervous but it was great! I definitely felt stronger, but boy was it difficult! I think it had to do with the instructor. My favorite instructor taught (she usually does Wednesdays) and she really pushes us to the limit which I love (and also hate! 🙂 )

What was easy tonight however, is dinner! My meal makin’ Sunday had dinner ready for us in a jif.

Sweet potato chili! It’s a favorite in our house. I used Andi’s recipe to a T, as always. Ryan is obsessed  with this recipe (as am I) and we usually eat it up in a matter of days.

A sweet and savory combo I can get behind!

In other news, I’m finally giving this blog a makeover! Julie from Savvy Eats is helping me with a complete re-design and I am so excited. We just finalized on a header image today and I can’t wait to show everyone! Not sure when it will be all changed over, but hopefully soon. I’ll keep you posted in case you read via Google Reader 🙂

Time to hang with my boys!

Catchy title, eh?

I thought so. 🙂

This morning I headed to a new to me yoga studio for a 9 am class. Of course, I had a groupon to use and this was my first visit of 30! I can go to around 10 different places for 30 classes of Yoga, PIlates, African Dance, Zumba, Kickboxing, etc. Oh, and I have to use all of these before June 30th. Whoops.

Fuel for the day. Whole wheat bagel, one side buttered, one side peanut buttered.

It was nice. There were only 5 of us and the instructor was really welcoming. I picture this being my Saturday ritual for a while!

Then it was off to the Saturday morning ‘Pump.

I love Pump, as you all know, but today I did not.

Today was hard. Probably the hardest class ever and I don’t know why. I felt extremely fatigued throughout the entire class and could barely even do my normal weights. Weird.

After I ‘Pump, I headed home to quickly shower, make a smoothie and head right back out the door.

Our agenda included picking up our wine shipment (!!!), grocery shopping & wedding band shopping.

Wiiiine. We’re members of the Oliver Wine Club, which is headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana. Oliver wine was basically the go-to wine for cheap college kids. They don’t sell a lot of the kinds we get shipped in the bi-yearly packages though, so it’s a special treat. I’m excited for the dessert wine (far right)!

No pictures of the wedding band…I want to keep it a surprise! But I think we both figured out which ones we like best. Another task marked off the list!

Tonight I’m not sure of dinner plans. I’m thinking a shrimp stir fry but who knows!

Toodles for now!

Evening! For a Monday, today went slow. Very slow. Monday’s are typically quick for me but for some reason today went by slower than molasses. Maybe it was because I was excited to go to Body Pump to try the new release?!

Speaking of…HOLY COW. It’s weird how your body gets used to one exercise and then as soon as you change it up your body is screaming (in a good way!). This new release was killer, especially the squat and tricep tracks. But let’s be honest, every tricep track is hard for me since I don’t have any.

The music was so-so. I liked the beginning half until it got to the tricep track, which was this song. I hate that song. And now I hate it even more since it is the tricep track (my most hated body part). I seriously started considering in my head “what if I just…don’t do Body Pump for a month?” (that’s how long they will play the new release). But I quickly got over it. I would miss the ‘Pump too much!

Oh! I never got to tell you about the GGX Launch party. It was great! Body Combat was an awesome workout. I actually liked that one the best even though it was my first time. I was sweatin’ within 10 minutes of the workout, so you know it’s a good one when that happens.

Body Flow was next and it was nice to relax. I’m not flexible at all so some parts were a struggle but I’d really like to continue to go to classes.

Sh’Bam was last and though it was fun, I felt like the music was lackluster. Two of the songs were more Zumba-esqe, which I love Zumba, but I felt like Sh’Bam was kind of ripping off Zumba.

I was soooore after all of the classes though, so I came home and watched an ungodly amount of Gossip Girl.

I have no shame.

Dinner tonight was an old standby, but that doesn’t mean boring!

Chicken Parmesan with a twist! (Note that the twist part is not on there yet!) 🙂

Crispy chicken, slightly spicy turkey pepperoni, whole wheat spaghetti & mozzarella cheese. Oh & parm!

One of our favorites!

Now it’s time to watch the game. We actually don’t care who wins because no matter what, we win the pool we are in. Yahoo!

Question: Are you watching the game tonight?

‘Ello amigos!

I started today with finishing up some IIN work. It was nice to finish some work before 9 am!

Morning coffee was essential.

Alongside an egg sandwich with cherry butter. Sounds strange, but try it! It’s delicious.

Today is a good day because it’s GGX Launch party at my gym!!! My gym offers most of the Les Mills classes, which launches new tracks every 3 months. Brand new songs, brand new moves, brand new muscles being worked!

I really wanted to get into the Body Pump class, but alas I was too late to sign up. It was full within 12 hours of the sign up sheet being posted!

Oh well, I will just have to wait until Monday to try it out.

Since I couldn’t get into that class, I figured it would be a good time to try a new-to-me class, Body Combat! I’m *slightly* nervous, but the instructors kept saying how the Launch party is a great time to try a new class since all of the moves are new to everyone.

I also signed up for Body Flow (not Body Vive…) and Sh’Bam. I’ve only been to Body Flow once, but I definitely loved it so I wanted to try again. I need some stretching in my life.

And of course, I always love Sh’Bam. I’m glad they are ending on a fun class.

Time to fuel up before an afternoon of workouts!

Question: Have you ever taken Body Combat, Body Flow or Sh’Bam? Or any gym classes? Did you like them?