
Tag Archives: Murphy

Yep, still as sick as a dog over here.







(I most definitely do not look that cute at this moment.)

I feel better in waves, yet today the “feel good wave” hasn’t hit me yet. I hate starting out the new year like this, but ya gotta roll with the punches!

Since I’ve been pretty horizontal for the past 72 hours, I haven’t seen the gym at all. Part of me wanted to feel guilty, but the better part of me realized A) I shouldn’t go to the gym like this because I’ll just make other people sick & B) I don’t have enough energy to go to the grocery store, let alone attend a Body Pump class.

Hopefully by Monday I’ll be feeling back to normal and ready to kick my resolutions into high gear!

In other news, we get this gooberhead back today









I can’t wait!

Question: How’s your first weekend of 2012 going? Hopefully better than mine!

Welcome back, everyone!

And happy late Thanksgiving!

These past few days have flown by and sadly, it is Monday again tomorrow. Though, now you have no guilt of singing those Christmas tunes out loud (I had no guilt before, but perhaps some of you do).

We decided to go to just Ryan’s parents house for Thanksgiving this year. My hometown is 8 hours away from Milwaukee and…driving that much plus seeing his family too, was just too much. Though my mom did get to come up and meet us!

We drove down Thursday morning with relatively easy traffic. I haven’t been feeling 100% for the past few days so I napped for about half of the drive.

Soon after we arrived it was time to eat! Pretty typical Thanksgiving fair, so I felt no need to take a picture.

The day was spent socializing, playing card games (learned how to play euchre AFTER college…yep), sitting outside by the fire and watching the dogs play (aka Murphy trying to play with Ryan’s parents dog Jota…and Jota ignoring him).



“I so happpppyyyy”

” I love it here!!!!”








Jota was not excited about having Murphy on her turf.



We drove back up on Saturday to Purdue to make it to the basketball game (which they won!).

Today has been a typical lazy Sunday and it has been great. Though I am ready to get back into a somewhat normal routine!

Question: How was your Thanksgiving break?

Well as you can see, this post is about our little man’s first trip to the dog park! I promise this isn’t turning into a dog blog but I know there are some readers (i.e. my home friend Kim) that like seeing Murphy. The rest of you will have to either suffer or skip over this post 🙂

Ready to be unleashed…

First encounter!

Tongue out!

Second encounter!

Ahhhh new best friend!!!!

Mom, I love you SO much right now.

Me thirsty.

Don’t look at me.

Mom, seriously. I love you SO much.

Ma! Get my good side!

I so happy.

I like when people pay attention to me.

Do we have to go hooome?!

It sure is stormy here in Milwaukee! This is what it looks like:

Grosssssss. I want it to be summer! Like, yesterday! I’m getting so annoyed with the weather here. I think that’s why I’ve been in a funk lately. Here’s to hoping the weekend is swell!

In other news, Murphy (our doggie) got neutered today. I felt SO bad for him. He really hates wearing the cone but…he’s a licker so it’s a must. I can’t tell if he realizes something has happened. I guess he does, dogs are super smart (sometimes…). He seems to have almost the same amount of energy though, so hopefully he’ll be raring to go soon enough.


I totally slept thru my alarm this morning. AND I totally had plans to go after picking Murphy up, but he looked so sad and I really didn’t want to leave him alone again after having a rough day. Tomorrow is another day!


I wanted to finish up some squash and zucchini I had so I made a stir fry with mushrooms, onions, squash and zucchini with a little olive oil, salt & pepper. I didn’t have enough to make a whole meal so I had a delicious BLT (with low sodium bacon so that made it a little more nutritious).

Oh yeah, and Ryan comes back tomorrow! Yahoo! He’s been gone to Alabama for work Monday-Wednesday and I’m excited for him to get back (and help me keep an eye out for Murph-man. Well, it is now pouring again outside so I’m gonna head off to catch some quality tv!